Transformation: Sitting in the Secret of the Highest

This poem came to me a few weeks ago while on retreat with my teacher Shefa Gold. After chanting Yoshayv b’sayter Elyon, b’tzayl Shadai yitlonan (Whoever sits in the secret of the Highest will abide in the shade of Shaddai (Psalm 91:1)), Shefa invited us to enter into a place of protection and nurturance. This is where I entered. You can listen to the chant by clicking on the words above.

One summer, I found caterpillars eating my parsley outside. A few of them came inside and heartily ate parsley until they were ready to transform. Here is the chrysalis stage.

One summer, I found caterpillars eating my parsley outside. A few of them came inside and heartily ate parsley until they were ready to transform. Here is the chrysalis stage.

in a chrysalis 

falling apart


letting go

i am lost 

no finding

no fixing

breathing in the Great Mystery

here i am

הנני Hineni

safe and salty

fresh and formless and void

I have been sacrificed. The מאכלת (knife) cut me through , dissolved me.

No ram in my place.  I am the sacrifice.

One day, I shall fly