Chant for the Shmita Year: Seeking Deep Rest

We are in a Sabbatical, or Shmita, Year, the 7th year described in Torah when the fields are to lie fallow. I have been developing practices for deepening into this year of rest and renewal. One of new practices is cultivating silence: listening more and leaving more spaciousness in conversation, waiting to speak until I feel truly compelled to speak.

Another new practice is this chant, from the Book of Ruth, 3:1. These are the words of Naomi to her daughter-in-law Ruth. Naomi and Ruth have both lived through tragedy and are, in effect, refugees, and these two women beautifully support and accompany one another. These words reflect Naomi’s devotion to Ruth’s well-being. This chant helps to connect me to a deep place of rest, of finding a peaceful home within myself.